Wessex Rd Watermain Replacement Capital Project - Dec/Jan
November 22, 2023
The Wessex Rd watermain replacement project is set to begin.
December phase:
1. preliminary work will start the week of Dec 4 and include hydrvac locates
2. the water main will be replaced with a larger main to improve flow for fire protection
3. a new fire hydrant will be installed
January phase:
4. new service connections for affected homes [notices to be hand delivered]
5. This will involve some temporary water shut off.
Notices will be hand delivered as dates are known.
Watch the Construction Notice sign at the top of the hill for updates.
This will involve some temporary road closures; flaggers will be in place and emergency vehicles will be able to get through. Watch for updates on the Construction Notice sign at the top of the hill.
Hours of Work will be 8 am to 430 pm, Monday to Friday
Heron Protection - the goal is to complete the work prior to February prior to the return of the herons for the annual nesting period.